Monday, May 13, 2013


Wed., 5/8/13

Dear Awesomest Family EVER,

Kamusta? (How are you? - they don't say "hi") I am doing great! Today was awesome; first we met in our classroom and started learning Hiligaynon!  My companion is Sister F. She is 20, went to BYU, studying biology (she wants to become a Marine Biologist). She is so great!  I'll send you a picture soon. My p-day is on Thursday (starting on the 16th) so no panicking since you won't hear from me for a few days.

So, in our class the teacher cannot speak English.  It is total Hiligaynon immersion - so we have to learn it fast!  Right off the bat we were introducing ourselves and asking each other questions in Hiligaynon (using a language book, of course)! Then we had dinner (kind of meh...) and went to a "teaching experience" which was like a massive role play with an actor investigator and 50 of us chiming in with questions, suggestions, answers, scriputures, stories and testimonies.  It was interesting.

The spirit is definitely strong here.  The "teaching experience" was awesome because the discussion went right where it needed to.  Everyone is so great!  So friendly.  The sisters are all so enthusiastic and smiling.  My "sister training leaders" are Sister B. (also an Aggie!) and Sister P. (going to Hong Kong).

There are 6 sisters in my dorm room - the other 4 are headed to Peru in 2 weeks.  Yeah, there are a lot of people, but so far it only seemed crowded in the cafeteria.  I guess I'll see how long the shower line is tomorrow morning.  

I love you! You are the best family ever. Thank you for all of your help getting me ready the last few weeks & months (my whole life, really.)

Love,  Sister Cassie Winward

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